Our Major Investors


Since it's inception, Stockassets has actively built partnerships with prominent blockchain projects in the industry for technical collaboration and seamless Investment.

About Stockassets

Stockassets Investment Trade

Stockassets Investment is a trading/ investment company located in Samoa and Costa Rica with company number C 236/15 and registered at WB Corporate Services (Samoa and Costa Rica) Ltd., PO Box 3886, Brisk House, Fitches Circle Street, GY2-2221, Samoa and Costa Rica.. Incorporated in the year 2016.

We provide an approach to managing your wealth which provides expertise and the flexibility to help you achieve the life style you desire

We are acredited trading company with 7 years in a Forex,Real Estate,Stocks, Commodities and crypto market. We introduce Stockassets Investment platform and technology to help users who can not invest or trade profitably in a Forex,Real Estate,Stocks, Commodities and Crypto market to earn by investing in our platform.We trade and secure your liquidity.

Invest Now!
Main Features

Geting Started!

Easy Payment

Our system is built on user-friendly interface. We make our payment system easy and with high speed blockchain system to process Transactions authomatically.

Highly Secured

Stockassets is highly secured with authomated blockchain infrastructure. Our funds are in hardware wallet. We safeguide and ensure real time protection to our investors funds

Real Time Response

Our system is built on real time response to our investment. No delay in investing and Withdrawing.

Continuous Profit

You have continus daily profit as long as you have active trading account with us.


Investing with confidence and secure blockchain protocol


No processing at moment


Our Stockassets Mission

The growth of cryptocurrency trading and Investment such as the Stockassets has grown as the public's interest in cryptocurrency has increased.

Our mission is to allow beginners to trade and invest without the need for prior trading knowledge or experience, and assist them in making significant profits without the need for extensive study.

We equally manage an instititutional investment and cooperative.

We decided to conduct a review of Stockassets Profit to ensure that new users have all of the information they require about investing in cryptocurrency.

Many people have expressed their gratitude for the opportunity provided by this platform.

Real Time protection

Our System is Highly Secured

We have a comprehensive risk management system for a blockchain network, using cybersecurity frameworks, assurance services, and best practices to reduce risks against attacks and fraud.

Our Investors funds are stored and secured in our hard wallet. We guarantee 100% safety to our investor's funds. We don't compromise on security.

We would rather take a conservative approach to our infrastructure than strive for efficiency.

Invest Now!
Active Support

System Support 24/7

We have an active support system 24h/7 to assist our investors. We have the real-time responses in our support system.

Our platform is built on a user-friendly support system to assist in mailing and live support systems.


Our Ecosystem key features

Our core features to explore in our platform

Early Profit
Universal Access
Several Profit
Unlimited Withdrawal
Highly Secured

On-Time Transactions

Our real time Transactions in our blockchain system

TimeAmountAddress Tx Hash
2 minutes ago0.01751979 14uRDnKeoyBRQ51n2yQHLbnKmLik1C59vo 10afad7a52601b0684327f4ff446b0de3d3c2e67317adb799b9d61790d5cee45
3 minutes ago0.01572369 14uRDnKeoyBRQ51n2yQHLbnKmLik1C59vo 37fe94d6af5fd1dd82db3f7a3f15ef531f5496a54db71a028eca7975339e5a97
3 minutes ago0.03778355 bc1qpcvczlddstc3l4c8xplhax7dj8jmwezxz6mpl4 91d8adea43e6965315098f595627330dfef583987a9c925a543b6d3e1e9e0bb8
3 minutes ago0.24014910 39J16xPrPQz4jTYNWpRUaZou5rRSSBr18f 6373ffe3c3d70e6f241109172bf7710e11beb20a01f2b290c61d7bd02c12f463
5 minutes ago0.01572369 14uRDnKeoyBRQ51n2yQHLbnKmLik1C59vo 37fe94d6af5fd1dd82db3f7a3f15ef531f5496a54db71a028eca7975339e5a97
5 minutes ago0.01035459 38jZV9pbDgx6WwzTbSqCSk2Dw8nnE6aBQV 10afad7a52601b0684327f4ff446b0de3d3c2e67317adb799b9d61790d5cee45
8 minutes ago0.02592681 1bhwbPwECKAzurxV731pKmSoz7MADHNKb 63b3d228bb6812562666bff39d93f00117273114b05e866bb57c31d1142971ae
10 minutes ago0.02482980 19X57wyGZQLofxK9dT7ZPFviFKr8hVDR2G e1b020e2d4e8991e6c1fc8cb8defae2e0085d25f405b8490cdef2091c764dfee
16 minutes ago0.03170064 3Pc8GdaMToFCSydU47Hm55mSG7gmP2iuL8 d23774f0ff87e497335a48e0c2c2e22f173eafdc3946ad778174f626b73f130e
22 minutes ago0.33237454 3APLo2fHh4Gbttb2CKBG7hA3ssBAxPzi2y e1b020e2d4e8991e6c1fc8cb8defae2e0085d25f405b8490cdef2091c764dfee
24 minutes ago9.41589347 3GNpgAXmRMZA2aK86PNVUW3Qw2YMZSdS5h 8a65d208727a45504c94d5cf2a65ef553b74f72380fe443cfe4731cc1b74ae37
25 minutes ago0.33237454 3APLo2fHh4Gbttb2CKBG7hA3ssBAxPzi2y e1b020e2d4e8991e6c1fc8cb8defae2e0085d25f405b8490cdef2091c764dfee
55 minutes ago9.41589347 3GNpgAXmRMZA2aK86PNVUW3Qw2YMZSdS5h 8a65d208727a45504c94d5cf2a65ef553b74f72380fe443cfe4731cc1b74ae37
2hrs ago0.02482980 19X57wyGZQLofxK9dT7ZPFviFKr8hVDR2G e1b020e2d4e8991e6c1fc8cb8defae2e0085d25f405b8490cdef2091c764dfee
2hrs ago0.03170064 3Pc8GdaMToFCSydU47Hm55mSG7gmP2iuL8 d23774f0ff87e497335a48e0c2c2e22f173eafdc3946ad778174f626b73f130e
3hrs ago0.01572369 14uRDnKeoyBRQ51n2yQHLbnKmLik1C59vo 37fe94d6af5fd1dd82db3f7a3f15ef531f5496a54db71a028eca7975339e5a97
4hrs ago0.03778355 bc1qpcvczlddstc3l4c8xplhax7dj8jmwezxz6mpl4 91d8adea43e6965315098f595627330dfef583987a9c925a543b6d3e1e9e0bb8

Investment Plans

We help you trade and manage your portfolio while you enjoy profits. Do explore any of our investment product below.


Min. Deposit


Max. Deposit



2 Day

Current Investors

Fund Raised

  • Referral : 5%
  • Withdrawal : Daily
  • Assets: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt,Defi, NFTs and Exchange Token
  • Monthly Reporting


Min. Deposit


Max. Deposit



3 Days

Current Investors

Fund Raised

  • Referral : 5%
  • Withdrawal : Daily
  • Assets: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt, Defi, NFTs and Exchange Token
  • Monthly Reporting


Min. Deposit


Max. Deposit



7 Days

Current Investor

Fund Raised

  • Referral : 5%
  • Withdrawal :Daily
  • Assets: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt, Defi, NFTs and Exchange Token
  • Monthly Reporting


Min. Deposit


Max. Deposit

No Limit


10 Days

Current Investor

Fund Raised

  • Referral : 5%
  • Withdrawal :Daily
  • Assets: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt, Defi, NFTs and Exchange Token
  • Monthly Reporting

Our Major Analytics

Executive Team

Team Members

Our executive.We come from various industries and have rich expertise in each of our fields.

Rinks Cooper

Director/CEO, Stockassets

Kam Scot

Director Marketing, Stockassets

Haris Lilian

Director Mgt.& Fin, Stockassets

Nik Jorden

Marketing Analyst, Stockassets

Ask Anything

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A), are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context

What is Stockassets?

Stockassets is an Stockassets is a trade investment company. Stockassets is a company registered in Samoa and Costa Rica with company number C 236/15 and registered at WB Corporate Services (Samoa and Costa Rica) Ltd., PO Box 3886, Brisk House, Fitches Circle Street, GY2-2221, Samoa and Costa Rica...

Incorporated in the year 2016. We provide an approach to managing the wealth that provides expertise and the flexibility to help you achieve the lifestyle you desire We are an accredited trading company with 11 years in the Forex, Real Estate, Stocks, Commodities, and crypto market.

We introduce the Stockassets platform and technology to help users who can not invest or trade profitably in a Forex, Real Estate, Stocks, Commodities, and Crypto market to earn by investing in our platform. We trade and secure your liquidity. Stockassets has three (3) major investment packages.

How Do I Get Started?
To get started with Stockassetse, you will navigate to Signup fill in your details. >>> verify your email address and login to your dashbaord.
How Do I Fund My Account Signup?

In order to credit your account, login to your dashboard nagivate to >>invest from the menu and select suitable plan of your choice. Enter the amount you want to invest and click Invest.

A window for you to proceed your payment pops-up. click proceed to make payment

Complete your checkout at coinpayment and your account will be credited instantly.

How Long Will It Take Me To Withdraw My Earning?
In Stockassets, withdrawal is daily from the time of your investment. You will always have continuous withdrawal as long as you have an active investment in the system.