Stockassets Investment Trade
Stockassets Investment is a trading/ investment company located in Samoa and Costa Rica with company number C 236/15 and registered at WB Corporate Services (Samoa and Costa Rica) Ltd., PO Box 3886, Brisk House, Fitches Circle Street, GY2-2221, Samoa and Costa Rica.. Incorporated in the year 2016.
We provide an approach to managing your wealth which provides expertise and the flexibility to help you achieve the life style you desire
We are acredited trading company with 7 years in a Forex,Real Estate,Stocks, Commodities and crypto market. We introduce Stockassets Investment platform and technology to help users who can not invest or trade profitably in a Forex,Real Estate,Stocks, Commodities and Crypto market to earn by investing in our platform.We trade and secure your liquidity.
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